Applied Medical Research. 2021;
Determination the Effect of Ionizing Radiation in Blood Cells Parameters among Sudanese Radiology Workers
Amged Hussein Abdelrhman* and Abdelgadir Ahmed Abdelgadir
Background: Radiology work involves risks that affect most blood components, leading to chronic diseases
Design: This analytical study was conducted in Khartoum State from August to December 2020
Objective: The goal is to determine the effect of ionizing radiation on blood values in healthy radiologists
using the analysis of complete blood count and blood smear
And to determine the effect of the number of years of work, the number of working hours per day, the years
of work: are they continuous or discontinued, the intensity of radiation, wearing a protective shield made of
lead on the values of the complete blood count
Materials and Methods: Intravenous blood samples were collected from 50 participants, 27 samples from
men and 23 samples from women aged between 25-40 years working in the field of medical radiology and
the structural questionnaire was used
Results: The results of this study revealed an indication of a decrease in hemoglobin, red blood cells and
white blood cells upon exposure to high dose of radiation intensity for a long time
Conclusion: This study concluded that there is a decrease in hemoglobin, red blood cells and white blood
cells among radiologists.